Criminal Defence Lawyer


Discreet Counsel For serious people

White Collar Crime

Fraud. Embezzlement. Forgery. These are just three crimes that can fall into the white collar crime category.  And if you're convicted, the consequences to your personal and professional reputation, your employability, and your ability to assume any position of trust are often more serious than the consequences associated with convictions for violent offences. Whatever your situation, I am here to help.

Property Crime

Mischief. Theft. Trespassing. As you might imagine, this is not even close to a complete list. If you have been accused in interfering in another person’s ability to use and enjoy something they have a right to use and enjoy, I can help you.

Violent Crime

Assault. Manslaughter. Murder. Violent offences may seem straight-forward, but the issues that arise can be extremely complicated. Violent offences run from the almost trivial. Whatever your situation, I am here to help.


Conviction Appeals. Sentence Appeals. Appeals of a decision made by a Board or a Tribunal. Whether you are appealing, or responding to an appeal, I have a proven track record.

Drug Crime

Whether simple possession, a complex importation schemes, or something in between, being convicted of a drug-related offence will have a serious impact on your life. A conviction can restrict your ability to get a job, travel freely, and access credit—and more. You need to be very careful about how you proceed, and who you retain to help you. These difficult cases involve some of the most difficult areas of criminal law. I can identify the issues that are relevant to your situation and make sure that you receive the full benefit of any unlawful behaviour that the police have engaged in.

Sex Crime

Sexual assault. Sexual interference. Possession of child pornography. Perhaps no other category of offences carries such a painful stigma, or such long-lasting and far-reaching consequences. Upon conviction, the sex offender is often labelled a pariah, and is not only potentially liable for a lengthy sentence, but will be required to enroll e in the federal Sex Offender Registry. Conviction for a sexual offence can be a blemish on ones reputation that will last a lifetime. I can help you avoid that lifetime of shame.

impaired driving

Impaired driving law is extremely complicated, highly technical, and constantly changing. Whether its impairment by alcohol, or impairment by drug, if a lawyer doesn't remain on the lookout for the changes in the law, that lawyer will not be able to protect your interests.  That is not the lawyer you want. Let me help. I can.